Route 1- Starts from Sloans Lake Park
We’ll start the route at West 25th Avenue and Stuart Street. We will bike 1/2 mile down 25th Avenue to Brown. We’ll cross Lowell Blvd. at W 25th Ave and will go around the south side of Brown on the sidewalk. Note our new meeting time is 715am.

If you are interested in starting your own route from a different direction, or adding a spur line onto our existing routes, please contact us.

Route 2- From Federal Blvd/Snarffs Parking Lot

Since not all students live West of the school, we have an another Route for Students that live on the east side of the neighborhood. Meet at the Snarff’s Parking Lot just north of 25th and Federal at 715am.

Do you have an idea for another route? Or want to meet one of the other groups, but have you route added to the map? Go to our contact page and let us know.